As I
was coming to work this morning, I was looking at the last full moon of the
year; "Twas in the moon of wintertime" so the refrain goes from one
of the oldest hymns written by a new comer priest inspired by his interaction
with turtle island (what we call Canada), and probably his attempts to convert
or the conversion of Indigenous people to the Christian faith. Or, maybe by his
conversion to Indigenous faith. Or, was it the conversation to faith in God and
the ability of the gospel to be received in this land of the mighty Gitchi
moon of Wintertime, the loneliest night of the year. I was thinking about my
father, who is in a hospital room, not waiting to heal, but waiting because he
is old now and his life is slowly leaving his body. And as I thought about him,
I was sad; the loneliest night of the year.
I will push the feeling of sadness out of my mind soon, but I will
linger on them just for a bit. Thinking about waiting and reading the gospel of
the day, Luke 7:19-23. Two people ask Jesus, "Are you the one who is to
come, or are we to wait for another?" A question from two people sent by
John the baptizer, who was in prison, "are you the one..?" Waiting
for the one who is to come - by those who had power, but unable to help a sick
servant, by a widow whose son had died unexpectedly; by those who had diseases,
battling personal demons and all forms of the malady of the human condition -
the sadness and the loneliness -waiting- the loneliest night of the year -
waiting for the one who is to come.
in the moon of winter-time
all the birds had fled,
mighty Gitchi Manitou
angel choirs instead…
your King is born, Jesus is born, In excelsis gloria."
carol in Wyandot (Huron) circa 1642 by Jean de Brebeuf translated into English
by Jesse Edgar Middleton 1926)