Thursday, 8 December 2016

The Bear's House since the beginning

I was out running Wednesday morning. It was cool out and you could hear the crunching of snow that had frozen into ice. 

My back hurts but I try to get in at least 1 mile. The magical mile, far enough to say that I ran but not long enough to call me a marathon man. I ran to the Richmond Dike and then looked up at the stars. The stars that have been their since creator entered the story of our lives. I looked and saw the big bear (ursa major) and then let my eyes follow it to find the North Star. 

Scott Momaday, Indigenous author, penned a conversation between Urset and Yahweh, 

Urset: "The one story must be very old."

Yahweh: "It is older than I, for I am contained in it…” (In the Bear's House New Mexico Press, 1999)

That the great mystery is contained in our stories shows the miracle of the incarnation. That creator has come close to give us the words to write and speak, to remember the story. “The word became flesh” and dwells in our story. The words can be seen and heard, if we have ears to hear and eyes to see, what has been there since the beginning.

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