Thursday, 9 February 2017

A Robin in the snow

I saw a robin, the first one this year that I have seen. It was hiding under a spruce tree from the rain. Looking in the bit of grass looking for a morsel, some crumb. And wondering, "where did this snow come from?" No song came from his mouth - maybe muted by the change that brought all this snow. And as the dog and I approached, he would hop from grassy spot under a spruce tree to the next spot under the adjacent tree, until he was hid behind a grassy hummock in a sea of slushy fading snow. I hoped he found a meal in that place. The rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and watereth the earth, …that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater. (Isaiah 55:10) -

The gospel of the day, Mark 7:24-30 - even the dogs eat the crumbs off the ground under the table"

I was thinking about how these words, spoken by a woman to Jesus, moves him to act, and I was thinking about how we are supposed to be the crown of creation…, whatever that means, but I feel something seeing that robin in the snow - I wonder how my life has put him there, or am I just like him, there in the snow, trying to find something on this cool rainy morning - -I hope he finds crumbs.

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